Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So many changes

How has it been so long since I have written anything here???

Things have changed. I am teaching full time at the nursing school and working 10 hours a month as a NP. The family is busy and the boys are growing up so fast. Where does time go?

I am enjoying this new teaching role. It has been a great new challenge, especially since I have been writing lectures on subjects that I really don't have any expertise in. I love the opportunity to learn new things. I went to Philadelphia, PA at the end of September for the National League for Nursing annual meeting. It was a great place to connect with other nursing educators and learn more about what I have gotten myself into! The director of the program that I teach at was inducted as a fellow and it was nice to be there to support her. Our school has also been named one of the top 3 schools of nursing in Texas. So far I feel that this has been a good change for me and also for my family. It does put pressure on my husband to keep up the morning routine, but I am able to be more present in the evenings.

I was amazed yesterday when I received an email from my oldest son's science teacher that informed me that he got to class early to make sure he is on track. Is this really my kid? He just floats through life without even a backward glance and usually has no clue where he stands academically although he usually does quite well without much effort. He is in 7th grade now as does seem to be growing up. He has some good friends and is active in the art club and overall seems quite happy and comfortable with himself and life. My change in employment has allowed me to be home in the afternoons with him after school and he seems to enjoy having that time alone with me. I wonder how long that will last?

My middle son, in 5th grade and now 11 y/o, is having a difficult year. School is challenging from an organizational standpoint and he is struggling both academically and socially because of that. It is breaking my heart because I see him struggling with the same things that I did at his age. We have been trying to work on those executive function skills, but he is quite frustrated. I don't think that I really developed those skills until college and then it has remained a work in progress.

My youngest son is a shining star! He made the honor roll for the first 9 weeks at school with all A's. He does have a modified workload and is still significantly behind in reading and a little bit behind in math but is making great strides in catching up. We took him to SMU for evaluation of his reading and other learning disabilities over the summer and came away without any kind of definitive answers but we do have a 5 page list of recommended interventions. The resource teacher at his school has taken those recommendations and put together a program that is really working for him. He spends the majority of his day in the general-ed classroom and is making friends and is so happy this year.
We have decided to change plans from the traditional this Thanksgiving and will be going to the Texas Renaissance Festival this year. It is something new and the boys are excited. We have been watching Robin Hood on BBC America and they are looking forward to seeing the games and shows at the festival because of the introduction to some of it on the show.

I will make another effort to keep up with this blog again. Life just keeps moving on and it is good to stop and reflect.